Un-Identified dead body

On 16.06.2021 evening at Palakkad Stadium bus stand found a Un identified person as critical condition and brought to Distirct hospital Palakkad and Doctor examined that person, and informed he is dead.

Town North PS 1305/2021 On 19.10.2021 at 1130 am an Old man named Subramanian aged about 80 yrs found near Aiswaraya Residency Olvakkode as seen tired and illed and he was admiitted on District Hospital Palakkad. On under go

Town North PS 1252/2021 On between 05.10.21 at 21 00 hrs and 06.10.21 at 0900 hrs an old man Aged about 70 yrs found near Nayana Mobile Olavkkode as tired and lying on the road side and taken to Disrtict Hospital Palakkad and

Alathur 878/2021 one chinnan 64 years old (Addrees not identified) has been under treatment at District Hospital, Palakkad, MCH Thrissur and at Taluk Hospital, Alathur respectively from 01.09.2021 to 23.09.21 expired due to

Meenakshipuram PS Cr 328/2021 U/S 174 CrPC an unidentified male dead body Appox aged 75 years found lying kambalathara dam

Town North PS Cr 1330/2021 u/s 174 CrPC an unidentified male dead body aged Appox 60 years found in front of SBI Bank at Olavakode

THRITHALA PS 692/2021 U/S 174 CrPC an un identified male deadbody age appox 45 years was found in Bharathpuzha river at Velliyankallu

Pudunagaram 747/2021 Un identify Dead body of male around 65 years found at Pudunagaram Bus stop

Sreekrishnapuram 12 /2022 Vinayakam, a native of Tamil Nadu, was found lying unconscious at Punchapadam on 08.01.2022 at 13.25 pm and was rushed to Thrissur Medical College Hospital, where he died while undergoing treatment

Agali 28/2022 On 10.12.2021 at 06.45 hrs an unidentified person appox age 50 was found lying unconscious infront of CHC at Agali

Agali 49/ 2022 Madaswami, 52 yrs is died on 13/02/20222 while he is in treatment at Medical College Hospital Thrissur

Kollengode 60/2022 On 10.01.2022 at 21.00 hrs the victim kittu had died at District Hospital, Palakkad while going on treatment etc facts.

Last updated on Wednesday 22nd of January 2025 01:38:06 PM